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Christmas P.J.'s: 1951

"Christmas P.J.'s -- Dec. 25 1951." Grace and Sally clash  in the latest episode of Minnesota Kodachromes! 35mm color slide by Hubert Tuttle. View full size.
        Grace and Sally hope you had a very merry Christmas!

"Christmas P.J.'s -- Dec. 25 1951." Grace and Sally clash in the latest episode of Minnesota Kodachromes! 35mm color slide by Hubert Tuttle. View full size.

        Grace and Sally hope you had a very merry Christmas!

On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

My eyes!

This is another one of those photos that would look better in Black and White!

Them There Eyes

I'm amazed, not a single comment about that owner-adoring Dalmatian.
The eyes say it all, no evocative sounds necessary.
Best festive wishes to all.


Haven't seen colors like this since The Shining.

Doilies and ashtrays.

1950s and '60s staples. I can smell those El Producto Perus to this day. Those weren't even a good 5 cent cigar.


Another year almost done. Let's hope for 2023.

I've looked at this photo for years and just realized that I sit next to a table in my living room that's a twin to the one in the photo. It was my uncle's; he was born in 1902. I believe it was his father's.

No research other than Shorpy photos and comments

We know that Grace and Hubert Tuttle are married, as are Maurine and Leslie Boler.

I think Grace's maiden name is Ringgenberg and Maurine is her daughter (mother-daughter resemblance, especially hair).

I think Grace's parents are Helen and Albert Ringgenberg (see St. Mary's photo) and she has a brother, Morris (in the photograph - there is a resemblance) and a brother, William (referenced in the newspaper clipping).

[Grace Ellanor True Cartwright had one child -- Donald Cartwright, from her marriage to Thomas Cartwright. She married Hubert Tuttle in 1936. Her parents were Bertha and Byron True. - Dave]

A little dab'll do ya

Macassar was a particularly oleaginous hair dressing popular with males in the 19th Century. It tended to stain fabrics, particularly the heavily napped upholstery on most Victorian furniture.

Though the product has not been around for years, several immediate generations of our antecedents were brought up to associate antimacassars with gentility, right up there with lace curtains. They are also among the few things one can make to show off one's crocheting skills now that women's fashion has lost its fussiness. In some quarters, I am confident, antimacassars endure, a product without a need.

So nice to see Sally again!


Would that be an oily-doily?

A coordinated effort

From the draperies to the wallpaper accents to the lamp to the upholstery to the slightly boho jammies and even down to the lipstick enhancing her lovely smile, Grace embraced the coral colorway with something approaching fanaticism. It's a happy shade that suited her well.

Anti Macassar

Antimacassars were developed to protect the chair fabric from the "evils" of Macassar Oil:

Conservative progressive?

My first though was "1951? Really?" as such a dress pattern would not be out of place in the late 60's or early 70's.

Antimacassars are still popular with the airlines. Now, there's a conservative industry, if there ever was one.

So, once again we can see, if you do have got an attic, never dump anything. It might come back into fashion.


Apropos of which, I am reminded of a limerick from a long-ago New Yorker:

A voluptuous virgin at Vassar
Is knitting an antimacassar,
To induce her professor
to love and caress her,
And possibly even to pass her.

Crocheted doilies

You don't see crocheted doilies on chairs these days. I wonder if they were handmade?

[Those are called antimacassars and yes, they were hand-made, usually by your mother or grandmother. -tterrace]

Kodachrome mailer

I believe there is a 20-exposure box of processed Kodachromes on the table along with the cigars. The yellow box looks to be the right color and shape.

A dog and cigars

Just imagining coming home from work and sitting here reading the evening newspaper.

The PJs of Saint Mary's

Those are the same pajamas she was wearing at the hospital.

Rifle, curtain rod, or something else?

What's that propped against the entry door frame, behind the chair? Perhaps a Red Ryder carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle?

On the contrary

Sally's collar matches Grace's pajamas beautifully. They are even color-coordinated with the drapes and lamp. The poor, pale, porcelain cat ...

I wonder what her dress says

My reading and writing of Japanese has been limited to nothing more than handwriting an invitation for dinner to one Japanese president, with assistance from a Japanese native. At least my writing was good enough that he actually showed up. A little might have been lost in the communication, though, as the first question he asked when I opened the limo door was if I'd gotten him a call girl and here I'd thought $25,000 worth of sushi around the Christmas tree was all I'd promised.

I'd be curious what it says in the print. Seems unusual at that time in America with Pearl Harbor a not very distant memory that a Midwestern woman would wear such a pattern. My father never bought a Japanese car and apologized profusely to his last days for finally buying a Sony TV.

Actually, it makes me wonder if she may have been the wife of an occupying soldier.

London Past & Present

Thank you for the Beautiful Christmas Focus!

I thought Shorpy might appreciate seeing this:
"Christmas in London past and present: In pictures."

Happy Holidays to You and Yours!

You'll put your eye out!

That looks like the barrel of a Daisy BB Gun sticking up behind the chair.

Behind the chair

Is that Ralphie's Red Ryder 200-Shot Range Model Air Rifle?

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