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Whambulance: 1957

Oakland, California, circa 1957. "Ambulance accident." Don't even ask what happened to the tow truck. 4x5 negative from the News Archive. View full size.

Oakland, California, circa 1957. "Ambulance accident." Don't even ask what happened to the tow truck. 4x5 negative from the News Archive. View full size.


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Did they dress the EMS professionals in navy surplus ducks, or was that the fashion of the day?

Happy to say goodbye to it

The driver appears to be delighted that this old piece of tin is finally not his problem any longer.

Double Trouble

The damages to the front driver's side and is aft looks like it was hit twice.

Coffee Cans

With what look like tin cans of coffee scattered about the crosswalk I wonder if some unsuspecting pedestrian, with a bag of groceries, may have contributed to this mishap?

Meat wagon meets its demise

I'd say it's mortally wounded.

Can anyone identify the coachbuilder? Looking at the window frames, it could be S&S:

No Big Deal

Looks like no one is very upset about this bone crunching accident, except maybe the guy who was being transported. Maybe he decided it was safer just to walk to the hospital.

Never mind the tow truck

But what happened to the patient?

1946 or 47 Cadillac?

When I search images I see both with round or square parking lights. This one looks like the parking lights are square so I'm not sure which year it is. This picture says its a 1947 but the parking lights are round. The light and siren on top look exactly the same though.

[The 1948 Cadillac Commercial Chassis also wore this body style (which was used until 1950 on Series 75 cars). The block letters on the fender indicate 1946. - Dave]

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