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May 1940. "Youngsters in the swimming pool at the desert dude ranch at Coolidge, Arizona." Medium format negative by Russell Lee for the FSA. View full size.
Did anyone else notice the boy directly behind the mid-air diver. It looks like he's getting ready to jump off the back side of the pool house. Another pool? ...A trampoline?
[Look for his left foot. He's stepping onto the top section of the roof. - Dave]
Three beautiful frozen moments of action: the boy at the back of the roof with his foot in the air; the sideways arc off the diving board; and the girl hoisting herself out of the water on the pipe ladder apparatus, the water leaping to her feet. (And the amount of concrete to be covered by a flying leap from the roof? Look at the distance from the base of the pole under the boy at the corner edge. Four feet, tops?)
The first thing I wondered when I saw the photo was why they were on the poolhouse roof.
Looking closely, it appears they would have to take a running leap and sail over a lot of concrete to make it to the pool.
I'm STILL wondering why they were on the poolhouse roof.
Amazing how fit and trim looking are the young men in the picture.
Except for the kid on the diving board, not much body fat among this crew.
How much ya wanna bet those boys on the roof are gonna jump from there into the pool?
Not recommended unless you're a daredevil.
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