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Driven to Drink: 1930

December 16, 1930. Chicago. " The Crusaders have new slogans. Miss Elizabeth Thompson was one of the first members of that national organization, formed to overthrow Prohibition, to put the new tire cover on her car." Underwood & Underwood photo. View full size.

December 16, 1930. Chicago. " The Crusaders have new slogans. Miss Elizabeth Thompson was one of the first members of that national organization, formed to overthrow Prohibition, to put the new tire cover on her car." Underwood & Underwood photo. View full size.


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While the photo above did not appear in the Chicago Tribune, an article in the paper on Tuesday, December 16, 1930, Page 17 stated the following.

"Crusaders to Place Wet Pleas on Many Autos. The war cry of the Crusaders, 'Repeal the 18th Amendment,' will be carried along boulevards and highways as the result of a new plan adopted by the organization. Under the plan the legend will be emblazoned on the spare tire covers of automobiles. Below the printed pleas will be the equestrian figure of a crusader in armor. The plan was proposed by H. C. Glinn of the local division of the anti-prohibition association."

There was also a similar photo, shown below, in the Decatur Evening Herald Wednesday, December 24, 1930, Page 14, with the caption "Patricia Edenton, who has tire cover bearing the the words 'Repeal the 18th Amendment' and a picture of a Crusader on car."

It would be almost three years from the date of the photo above until ratification of the 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. On December 5, 1933 three states voted for the repeal of Prohibition: Pennsylvania at 12:50 p.m., Ohio at 2:45 p.m., and Utah at 3:32 p.m. to become the 34th, 35th, and 36th states to vote in favor of the amendment. The amendment was certified as having been passed seventeen minutes later, at 5:49 p.m., by Acting Secretary of State William Phillips.

December 5

The anniversary of the ratification of the 21st amendment should be a national holiday celebrating the triumph of liberty over those who seek to use the power of the state to impose their moral code/worldview on everybody else.

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