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July 1940. "Near Shawboro, North Carolina. Group of Florida migrants on their way to Cranberry [i.e., Cranbury], New Jersey, to pick potatoes." Some of the folks last seen here -- 12 years ago! Photo by Jack Delano for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.
In 1938 The Pep Boys—Manny, Moe & Jack tried to prevent Pure Oil from using the term "Pep" in their advertisements, unfortunately for them they lost their case.
The Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office reports:
THE PEP BOYS - MANNY, MOE AND JACK v. AMERICAN OIL COMPANY, Cancellation No. 2870. In a decision rendered April 21, 1938 ( 163 Ms. Dec. 24 ), Assistant Commissioner Frazer held that American Oil Company, of Peoria, Ill., was entitled to register the term “ Pep ” as a trade - mark for gasoline and fuel oil for combustion motors, and that the registration which it had obtained should not be cancelled. The ground of the decision is that the petitioner for cancellation has not shown itself to be damaged with the registration and that the word is not descriptive of the goods.
The rise of Adolf Hitler prompted Studebaker to abruptly discontinue the name "Dictator" in 1937, resurrecting the Commander name, which had been dropped in 1935.
For that reason, maybe you could get these newish cars cheap. Still, asking 1,300 hard miles from it was a risky proposition.
My son's solution: "If you can't tie a knot, tie a lot." (He resisted my instruction in this matter.)
The collision damage may have helped get it started, but that crack on the front fender is a stress crack from the constant shaking and bouncing of the rough ride.
The young man is giving his all to his inner Joe Lewis.
I highly recommend to everybody to follow Dave’s “last seen here” link to see one of the all-star Shorpy photos of all time. If there are any more with that amazing woman in them, I would love to see them, please.
1935 Studebaker Dictator.
[1934, not 1935. - Dave]
This young man is barefoot, but still rocking a tie! Looks ready for a fight to protect everything they have strapped to that car. Amazing photo.
I believe the original caption was intended to refer to Cranbury, a nice little town a few miles east of Princeton.
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