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Orphans going to Coney Island (Luna Park). June 7, 1911. View full size. George Grantham Bain Collection.
5,000 Youngsters from City Institutions Have Their Annual Motor Outing to Resort.
310 Volunteer Automobiles Provide the General Joy Ride -- Children Bedraggled, but Happy.
If the population of New York's orphanages and child-caring institutions had been made up of adults instead of immune and undamagable youth there would be no less than 5,000 cases of adult indisposition to-day, ranging all the way from cold-in-the-head to pneumonia as a result of the seventh annual outing of the New York Orphans' Automobile Association, which took that number of orphaned children for an all-day's excursion in the pouring rain to Luna Park yesterday. As it was, however, when the youngsters motored luxuriously back to their parentless homes there wasn't a complaint or a sneeze or a headache or even a case of popcorny indigestion among them. Every one was hoarsely talkative and happy, wet as all of them were."
June 8, 1911, Thursday Page 11, 1004 words
NY Times Archive
[If the cockles of your heart need warming, click the link and read the entire article. Nothing like hot cockles, I say. - Dave]
This truck has chain drive.
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