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Recreational Slugs: 1942

February 1942. Woodville, California. "FSA farm workers' community. Boys in recreation room." Acetate negative by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.

February 1942. Woodville, California. "FSA farm workers' community. Boys in recreation room." Acetate negative by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.


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I was seven in 1960. My Catholic parish held a Father-Son Night, and for some reason the fathers in charge decided that boxing matches between the sons should be a part of it. I guess this appalled just about everyone, because that was the first and last Father-Son Night. They did Mother-Daughter Nights thereafter, and they were still doing them when I left the parish in 1966.

The same fathers ran the Boy Scout troop, and I was old enough by then to appreciate that those in charge saw the meetings as an opportunity to go for drinks before and after, and sometimes during. I would advise all present-day youth not to become members of a Boy Scout troop run by unhappy drunks.

I warned ya!

That's the last time the kid on the left is gonna tell the other kid "Your mother wears army boots!"

Not a sport

Boxing. I tried it once when I was about the age of these kids, around 35 years after this photo was taken. I was completely confused by the point of purposely attempting to hurt someone else, and I understand it even less so today.

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