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Grandview Cabins: 1941

October 1941. Berkshire Hills County, Massachusetts. "Tourist camps stretch in an endless village along the Mohawk Trail through the Berkshires." Chicken and Spaghetti, 50 cents! Acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.

October 1941. Berkshire Hills County, Massachusetts. "Tourist camps stretch in an endless village along the Mohawk Trail through the Berkshires." Chicken and Spaghetti, 50 cents! Acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

What did you use ...

If you didn't have flush toilets? Chemical toilets?

[Pit toilets -- what you'd find in an outhouse. - Dave]

Ginger Ale

Used to almost as popular as orange soda. Now days it is mostly a mixer. I've always loved the aroma but not so fond of the taste.

Light Up The Night

It would be great to have some of those old neon signs. The newer LED signs do not give off the same glow as neon.

Color available (15¢ a night)

As we're often told: postcards sometimes took liberties.

Maybe five of fifteen cabins survive

I found a postcard for Grandview Cabins, which identified its location as four miles north of Holyoke on Route 5. The first cabin is named New Jersey, then four more cabins with the names of states before the cabins turn left and directly face the road. These cabins on Google Street View look to be the same size and are at the same angle to the road. If you look beyond the road in the 1941 photo, you'll see a mountain range. That would line up with this location and the mountains in Skinner State Park.

More than a request, Bodych, there are those who would demand a flush toilet.

Flush Toilets

Was that a feature or a request?

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