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Piping Hot: 1942

June 1942. Sheffield, Alabama. "Mrs. Hall prepares breakfast for her husband, Kenneth, before he leaves for work at the aluminum plant." View full size. Medium format negative by Arthur Rothstein for the Office of War Information.

June 1942. Sheffield, Alabama. "Mrs. Hall prepares breakfast for her husband, Kenneth, before he leaves for work at the aluminum plant." View full size. Medium format negative by Arthur Rothstein for the Office of War Information.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Norman Rockwell

This photo reminds me of a Norman Rockwell painting. I love it.

Hall House

My sister & brother in law rented a house of that vintage for a couple of years... 850 square feet, and the kitchen was QUITE the postage stamp! The walkable floor area was about the same width as the back door. Looks like metal cabinets and backsplash.

That screen door is AWESOME. Heavy duty. The toaster & salt/pepper shakers are gorgeous, too.

I think you can STILL get Revere Ware skillets like that....

Mr and Mrs

"Forty-something layabout Ken Hall declares, 'Gee, I just never met a girl as swell as dear old Ma'."

The coffee

Mom always made coffee in the vacuum pot. I have the pot now but the rubber is getting pretty brittle. They were the best pots, but a little messy.


I do believe that is a vacuum coffee pot. The top half is upside down on the stove, already cleaned up.

Best coffee makers ever.

Rothstein Reflection?

I think I see Mr. Rothstein and another gentleman reflected in the toaster on the table.

The Kitchen

That's odd--the stove burners are apparently under a cupboard--good luck not ruining whatever is up there. And to cook, you'd be standing in the doorway? But that old Revere Ware-looking skillet was unchanged for decades. My mother had one.

Ah, the screen door.

Takes me back.

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