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Richwood Irregulars: 1942

September 1942. "Richwood, Nicholas County, West Virginia. Saturday afternoon." 4x5 inch acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.

September 1942. "Richwood, Nicholas County, West Virginia. Saturday afternoon." 4x5 inch acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Foot Loose

After staring at this picture for some time, I cannot come up with a scenario about why that young man has only one shoe on. The angle prevents one from seeing if he is wearing a cast on his right foot, so without tangible proof, his reason for this sartorial choice is lost to history.

[The boy is wearing zero shoes. - Dave]

Hey, that's my seat!

I bet that old man is still sitting there on the curb, telling the same stories over and over again. But I doubt it's about the litter problem.

To the boys' immediate right

The future. If they survive the Chosen reservoir battle in 1950.

[*Chosin* - Dave]

Boys & Old Men

The ages in between are busy working at a very important and difficult task that will take a few more years to complete.

Main and Oakford

This was taken looking southeast from the northeast corner of East Main Street and Oakford Avenue. The New Star Theatre in the background still stands at 6 East Main. A hydrant is still present at the location shown in the photo as well.

[At this very moment you are no doubt booking a flight to West Virginia. But not on Southwest. - Dave]

I thought about driving, but my wife would've probably killed me.

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