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Known but to Dog: 18??

Washington, D.C., circa 1873-1916. "Unidentified woman with dog. Date based on span of years of Bell Collection." 5x7 glass negative from the C.M. Bell portrait studio. View full size.

Washington, D.C., circa 1873-1916. "Unidentified woman with dog. Date based on span of years of Bell Collection." 5x7 glass negative from the C.M. Bell portrait studio. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

And your little dog too

What a charming composition, containing as it does, all the tenderness and purpose with which dog lovers immemorial interact with their canine subjects. The object of my own tenderness and purpose, a fifteen-pound chiweenie, is currently snoozing soundly beside me.


I love the giant scissors hanging from the elaborate sash hanging down from that little purse, or whatever it is, hanging near her waist. Great photo!

Buttoned up

Must have taken half the morning to get that dress on.

I wouldn't mind being

a yorkie on a pedestal. I've always said if reincarnation is a thing, I want to come back as a Beverly Hills poodle.

Attractive woman. With her hair bobbed but still in a corset, I'm guessing this photograph was taken after 1890 and before 1910.


It's just a guess but hanging at the end of that little black bag are a pair of scissors. It also looks like there may be tin with treats for rewards maybe? There's also what appears to be a dog whistle on the chain around her neck. She also seems to be doing a 'Training the Dog' pose'.

Maybe back then the two jobs were one profession?

Is that a dog whistle

... on her chatelaine? If so, dog whistling in DC has a longer history than I thought.

Whistle While You Work

Dog trainer perhaps? Judging by the whistle around her neck. Not sure what the oval ball is next to the whistle.

Or maybe it is a Wookie baby?

Mr. Dog To You

Aww what a distinguished gentleman. He’s been trained well.


What gorgeous corduroy. I love velour and corduroy. And look at the ghostly scissors hanging off of her. And the buttons – I count 30!

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