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West From Ninth: 1901

Washington, D.C., circa 1901. "View of G Street N.W., north side, looking west from Ninth Street." 5x7 inch glass negative, D.C. Street Survey Collection. View full size.

Washington, D.C., circa 1901. "View of G Street N.W., north side, looking west from Ninth Street." 5x7 inch glass negative, D.C. Street Survey Collection. View full size.


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Identity Lost

Hey lady, if you move, people in 123 years won't be able to clearly see your face.

Basement for rent

I suspect that the basement was the former home of the Keystone Laundry -- the sign for which is mounted on the railing at the entrance to the stairwell. I say former because there's a really tiny sign above the one for the 20th Century Cigar that reads "This Basement for Rent".

[If the laundry is gone, wouldn't the sign be too? - Dave]

The same site today

Today this site is occupied by the Martin Luther King Memorial Library, headquarters of the DC Public Library. This 1972 masterpiece is the only building in DC designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.

What's in the basement ??

You can see the stairs going down at the left of the long railing.
That leaves a long distance after going down one flight of stairs.
I wonder what was in the shoppes down there?

Home of the 5-cent cigar

Every brand of cigar that O. H. Hoover carries appears to be priced at 5 cents. I calculate that to be about $18 today. Five cents was probably the bait price. Once inside, you'd be steered to a 10-cent cigar, rolled on the thighs of ... well, you know.

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