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Penn Station: 1910

Pennsylvania Station in New York as seen from Gimbel's department store circa 1910. George Grantham Bain Collection. View full size | See the interior.

Pennsylvania Station in New York as seen from Gimbel's department store circa 1910. George Grantham Bain Collection. View full size | See the interior.


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Today’s Top 5

The Eagles

The 16 eagle sculptures from the main entrance pediments were saved and scattered around the country. There is one here at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia. All the rest of the sculptures ended up in dumps in New Jersey. There are many poignant photos of them there.


The passenger areas are still largely the same layout, you just have to imagine what used to be over your head.

If you walk underneath where

If you walk underneath where the trains are, there are some remnants of the original Penn Station, a large grandfather clock, some old signs stating where the original trains used to dock and something else, I am forgetting at the moment.

Too bad it got ripped down

In what spurred on the early historic preservation movement, the original Penn Station (as shown in the photo) was torn down in the 1960s for a really ugly Madison Square Garden.

Buildings below street level

Notice the horsecart in center of photo, there are buildings what looks like below street level. Why did they do that? I'd hate to live in one of those buildings below street level.

[They're across the street in front of an excavation pit, not below it. - Dave]

People on roof

I'd hazard a guess that they were a crew working on the roof and were taking a lunch break or something at the time the pciture was taken.

People on Roof?

Yes! You have a good eye. What the heck are they doing up there?


Are those people sitting on the roof?

Such a beautiful building.

Such a beautiful building.

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