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Thompson Street: 1912

February 1912. "Rear view of tenement, 134½ Thompson Street, New York City. Makers of artificial flowers live and work here." Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine. View full size.

February 1912. "Rear view of tenement, 134½ Thompson Street, New York City. Makers of artificial flowers live and work here." Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine. View full size.


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75 Thompson street

One of my Ancestor (named Domenico Di Camillo) went to live in 75 Thompson street in 1906. He was 29 and he was from italy. He going to live in his brotherinlaw home in 75 Thompson streeet in 1906. In Ellis Island documents there are all of these informations. I am looking for further information. I would like to know if he had sons or daughters. Who knows! Maybe I could find some information. Thank you. Bye.

Inquiry re: 87 Thompson

This pic is great. My all-time favorite. My grandmother grew up at 87 Thompson. She was 4 when this pic was taken. I visit the block often. 87 is now Vesuvio Playground. Anyone have pics of 87 Thompson before it was a park, or any other pics of that block? Or around the corner on Sullivan Street? Again, great pic. Thanks for making it available.

Thompson St.

I was born and raised at 79. We used to have parties on the roof top. I used to roller skate down the ramp of the tunnel garage.

Same thing different people.

I work real estate in the area and I have to say that many buildings still look a lot like this, the difference is the people that actually live in there now, not many families or factories. lots of trash and darkness on the back face of the buildings.

Thompson Street - NYC

I currently live at 68 Thompson Street, and I was so excited to come across this photograph of the old 'hood! I am always looking for old photos of SoHo, and especially Thompson Street. I would love to know who lived in my building way back in the day. When I moved in (1981), there wasn't even a phone line connected to my apartment because the previous tenants (who had lived here for decades) never saw the need for a telephone. If these old buildings could talk ... Thanks for sharing!

Circular object?

What is that large circular object underneath the right-most 2nd floor window? It looks like the bottom of a metal trashcan, but that doesn't seem right!

[Washtub. - Dave]

134½ Thompson

I live at 124 Thompson Street and am a local history junkie. What a find! Currently 134 is home to a pet food store and a men's clothing store called Sean. I might just have to show them this picture!

Still on the hunt for a decent photo of my place - I live on the ground floor of what used to be a bakery (if the stories are right).


This photo is distressing. When I see the oh-so-ugly physical conditions the children live within, it makes my heart heavy. So much for the "good ol' days."

However, at the same time, when I look at the two boys I can't help but feel a camaraderie between them, and I'm surprised (and elated) to note that the younger boy appears to be reading a book. If that's true, at least he has another world to escape into.

134 Thompson Street

Here it is now (light building in the middle of the photo, looks like they painted over the bricks). Someone go down that alley with a camera and send us a picture!


The back streets in China are like that now.

Tough Children

Now that's the ghetto.

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