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December 24, 1954. The only explanation I can come up with for my disturbing expression is that this was the same year my brother took me to see Rear Window. But, since it's the only one of me hanging my Christmas stocking (or of anybody in our family hanging one), I'm stuck with it. And my brother jiggled the camera. Funny thing is, there's already stuff in the stocking (probably with a tangerine down in the toe, like always). I'm 8 and well past the Santa Claus pretense, so I'm probably just helping with the decor. Anyway, what I'm mainly interested in is all the really good stuff that'll be there the next morning. My favorite thing here is all the junk (undoubtedly mine) exploding out of the shelf behind the TV.
Many thanks to everybody who's said nice things about my photos, and gigantic thanks to Dave not only for Shorpy itself, but for his ever-expert editorial emendations. I've had a ball here. View full size.
Well, Retread, depending on which shelf you're talking about, the thing you said looks like a computer monitor could be one of two formerly-popular information display devices: on the top shelf, mounted photos; on the lower shelf, books (in this case, a set of The Book of Knowledge from the teens or twenties).
Sorry my use of the past tense caused consternation; I have no plans to jump the good ship Shorpy. Errymay Ristmaskay!
Didn't your brother jiggle the camera in one of the other Christmas pictures, too?
I think these lovely old Yuletide pictures have been the best Christmas present ever. I lost my Grandma two years ago, and most of the old holiday customs - including a chance to look at pictures of Christmases past - have gone with her. Hanging out at Shorpy has brought a little of that back into my life.
That's such a good-natured-looking kid, I want to go back in time and put some extra oranges in his stocking.
If I ever did believe in Santa, it was over well before my fourth Christmas, which is the first one I remember. And still, stockings were the biggest part of the fun. When Sis and I got old enough to buy presents, we just naturally started putting some in each other's - and Mom and Dad's - stockings, just as the parents had always done.
I'm firmly entrenched in Shorpy's age demographic (albeit in the lower end), and Mom, Sis, and I still fill stockings for each other.
and Happy New Year to all. And thanks to Dave for a great site!
I'm a bit concerned by "I've had a ball here". Please tell me that we'll have many, many more photos from you. I love these peeks into your past.
Might solve a mystery, or rewrite history!
I hope we get to dive deeper into your family album and others of us find those hidden Kodachome moments that we all can relate too.
Bring on the state fair! Bring on the state line! To continental divide, to the oceanside! Post them! Post them! Post them all!
Thank you so much for sharing these little glimpses, tterrace. You enhance Shorpy by making it personal.
Thanks to Dave, again, for all your wonderful work. I've been a member for a little over a year now and though I wouldn't want to count the hours spent here, I'm certain my boss might. Shhhh...
I'm also hoping for at least one more year of making comments that you don't make fun of.
Thanks to Stanton_Square and Joe Manning for your stellar research. I've learned so much, I can't ever call this wasted time.
Merry Christmas everyone!
I can't believe I just found Shorpy (where have I been?) and am looking forward to further exploring it and sharing some of my old photos. Dave,I love this site! tterrace - I was born 18 days before this picture was taken.
Thanks and happy holidays!
What is that on the shelf just beyond your shoulder? Impossible as I know it is, it sure looks like the sort of computer monitors popular before flat screens became affordable.
The tangerine was always is in the sock; one year and one year only, it was CHOCOLATE. That's a mighty nice handmade sweater vest, Tterrance. Maybe this photo was made to commemorate it.
tterrace thank you for your posts, Dave you are the best!!
Merry Christmas to Shorpy and all of the "Shorpies" on this great site.
That looks like one of those bought stockings that are made of that red netting. We used to get those. There were no other stockings.
on Ominous' comments. I've been addicted for only 6 months or so now, but I'm at the point of checking Shorpy 5 or 6 times a day for new photos or comments.
I'm north of your 35-50 demographic, but being retired gives me more time to evangelize my friends about the great stuff to be found here.
You are very welcome! A big shout-out to tt, Stanton Square, Joe Manning and all the other contributors who have helped make Shorpy what it is today -- the 12,078th most popular website on the planet! (Earth, 34-50 demographic, Quantcast metrics 4Q 2008, terms and conditions apply.) That box of Chiclets is from me, by the way.
Below, tterrace the day after Christmas.
"I've had a ball here." ... Oh, I hope the use of the past tense doesn't mean anything ominous. I certainly look forward to more of your pictures.
Thanks, tterrace, and Dave. Thanks to you guys, Shorpy is usually the highlight of my day.
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