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Broadband Switchboard: 1954

August 1954. Eight-panel patching bay at CBS Television City in Los Angeles, for assignment of any of eight telecine film chains (slide or movie projector and TV camera) to any of several control rooms, for insertion of film content into video feed. One television camera is used with each of three Eastman 16 mm projectors, three RCA 35 mm projectors and two Gray "Telop" projectors. Multipin cable plugs contain two audio and video outputs, start-stop circuits and intercom and monitoring circuits. View full size. Ektachrome by Peter Samerjan.

August 1954. Eight-panel patching bay at CBS Television City in Los Angeles, for assignment of any of eight telecine film chains (slide or movie projector and TV camera) to any of several control rooms, for insertion of film content into video feed. One television camera is used with each of three Eastman 16 mm projectors, three RCA 35 mm projectors and two Gray "Telop" projectors. Multipin cable plugs contain two audio and video outputs, start-stop circuits and intercom and monitoring circuits. View full size. Ektachrome by Peter Samerjan.

On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

First generation BNC connectors

It appears that television signals required much more current than currently required.

The pipes are clogged

Yes, that's Dave there looking up a page request on a chart. Don't worry, as soon as he gets it plugged in your page will load.

now we know

Is this a shot of the old Shorpy webserver? No wonder you guys had to upgrade! Your bandwidth must have been *terrible*.


Is static electricity hiking that guy's pants up to his armpits?

What the heck did he spill on his shirt?

Looks like he slaughtered a whole flock of chickens in it.

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