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June 1942. Working on power transmission and utility lines near the TVA hydro- electric plant at Chickamauga Dam or Douglas Dam, Tennessee. View full size. 4x5 Kodachrome transparency by Alfred Palmer, Office of War Information.
I used to be in charge of live line standards at a professional electrical utility. This nonsense wouldn't be countenanced even for de-energized conductors. These bozos have lashed a delimbed minor tree or big limb to the telephone pole, and the guy on top is doing something silly or another, I cannot imagine what, while belted to the lashed limb! So safe. Hard hat? What's that? Even in 1942, normal utility work standards were far in advance of this horror show, photographed for all posterity to gaze at.
The power lines (two of them) are at the top of the picture.
These are telephone or telegraph lines not power lines.
[There two power lines at the top of the picture. - Dave]
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