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Keeping Fit: 1920

Washington, D.C., circa 1920. "U.S. Public Health Service." On the left we have Abe Lincoln, who "kept himself fit by working in the open air." By the time we get to the right side of the exhibit, there's a diagram with a caption about "the youth who achieves self-control." Harris & Ewing glass negative. View full size.

Washington, D.C., circa 1920. "U.S. Public Health Service." On the left we have Abe Lincoln, who "kept himself fit by working in the open air." By the time we get to the right side of the exhibit, there's a diagram with a caption about "the youth who achieves self-control." Harris & Ewing glass negative. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

20 miles

Dates back to Roman times--20 mile marches with pack was how their legions trained for legendary endurance. And I like the "can you run 100 yards in 12 seconds" one as well--they didn't know what slow and fast twitch muscle fibers were, but they saw their expression as a sign of fitness.


Undoubtedly Masters of their Domain.

No driving the basket in those days

That basketball goal is flat against the wall so I guess driving the basket was unheard of in those days. A 20 foot underhanded shot was probably more popular.

Can you run 20 miles?

Acknowledging that obesity is a problem among some of America's youth, I can tell you all that the problem does not exist among the youths with whom I associate: I am a track&field official and spend a lot of time with NCAA athletes. Their time and efforts are tightly structured as they are both students and athletes. And yes, they can run 20 miles. Not much call for working in a field these days. BTW, I'm 62 and I can still run 20 miles, thank you.

[The question was "Can you walk 20 miles in a day," which probably had more to do with the requirements of life in 1920. - Dave]

Do not spill

those Precious Bodily Fluids. Retain them and be fit and strong.

High School Cadet Corps

A few of these boys are wearing the uniform of the High School Cadet Corps. Their tunics can be seen here.

Not an ounce of fat

What slender handsome young men! Can you run 20 miles?
Can you work in the fields for 8 hours? I'll bet these guys could!

"Keeping Fit"

The entire exhibit can be seen online here.

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