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Madonna of the Sandbags: 1942

"Noontime rest for a full-fledged assembly worker at the Long Beach, Calif., plant of Douglas Aircraft Company." October 1942. View full size. 4x5 Kodachrome transparency by Alfred Palmer for the Office of War Information.

"Noontime rest for a full-fledged assembly worker at the Long Beach, Calif., plant of Douglas Aircraft Company." October 1942. View full size. 4x5 Kodachrome transparency by Alfred Palmer for the Office of War Information.


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Sandra's Mom

Yes, looks a lot like Sandra Bullock's mom.

Looks like Kate Beckinsale

Looks like Kate Beckinsale in Pearl Harbor...

I was wrong

It appears there *were* pretty girls back then. I guess they just stayed out of the beach beauties contests...

Sandy Bullock is still young enought for me!

Self-explanatory, but true.

Star Quality

She looks like a young Sandra Bullock

Pretty girl 2

She has a tear on her sleeve, her button holes are worn
but she dressed up her outfit with the brooch, she must have had class, she was beautiful, I bet some G.I. had her picture on him in the war.

[That was dirt on the transparency, not a rip in her sleeve. Now gone. - Dave]

Beautiful young woman, and

Beautiful young woman, and if she's still alive today, she's in her 80's, wrinkled and old. Wonder what happened during those in-between decades.

pretty girl

is that a pencil in her ear?

Nice brooch

Is that a tiki or African motif?

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