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Pause ... Drink: 1939

Chatham County, Georgia, circa 1939. "Fahm Street, west side, Savannah. Row houses built about 1850. Torn down 1940 for Yamacraw Village housing." 8x10 inch acetate negative by Frances Benjamin Johnston. View full size.

Chatham County, Georgia, circa 1939. "Fahm Street, west side, Savannah. Row houses built about 1850. Torn down 1940 for Yamacraw Village housing." 8x10 inch acetate negative by Frances Benjamin Johnston. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5


A glorious word from my childhood.

So long ago

In my mind, I can still hear the announcer's voice advising us to "Snap back with Stanback!"

Thanks for another memory.

Signs of distress

In addition to Coke and Nehi, we have Stanback ("for headache and neuralgia") and Swamp Root ("Kidney and Bladder Diuretic").

A Dr. Kilmer made Swamp Root in Binghamton, NY, along with Ocean Weed and any number of other priceless patent medicines. The company was in business there until the 40's. According to one web page, "Swamp Root contained Buchu leaves, Oil of Juniper, Oil of Birch, Colombo Root, Swamp-Sassafras, Balsam Copaiba, Balsam Tolu, Skullcap leaves, Venice Turpentine, Valerian Root, Rhubarb Root, Mandrake Root, Peppermint herb, Aloes, Cinnamon and sugar and contained approximately 9 to 10-1/2% alcohol."

I think the last-named ingredient explains the huge pile of Swamp Root bottles I once found thrown over a bank behind a former parsonage not far from here.

Beat him to it

I can imagine Johnston grabbing this shot while Walker Evans stood by, patiently waiting for the shadows to clear.

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