Gamers: 1950

June 6, 1950. Pembroke, Ontario. "Vis-O-Matic department store." A variation on mail-order shopping, the Vis-O-Matic system used color slides to display merchandise to potential customers, with orders placed by Teletype and delivered to your door. Photo by Bernard Hoffman, Life image archive. View full size.

June 6, 1950. Pembroke, Ontario. "Vis-O-Matic department store." A variation on mail-order shopping, the Vis-O-Matic system used color slides to display merchandise to potential customers, with orders placed by Teletype and delivered to your door. Photo by Bernard Hoffman, Life image archive. View full size.

The Tabulator: 1917

1917. "Census Bureau, Department of Commerce, tabulating machine." An early punch-card tabulator, a distant forebear of today's computers. Two photos of this monster yet to come. Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative. View full size.

1917. "Census Bureau, Department of Commerce, tabulating machine." An early punch-card tabulator, a distant forebear of today's computers. Two photos of this monster yet to come. Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative. View full size.


Mrs. New Tunes In: 1924

January 14, 1924. "Mrs. Harry S. New," wife of the Postmaster General. This might be good fodder for a caption contest. Which commences right now with yours truly as the judge. National Photo Company glass negative. View full size.

January 14, 1924. "Mrs. Harry S. New," wife of the Postmaster General. This might be good fodder for a caption contest. Which commences right now with yours truly as the judge. National Photo Company glass negative. View full size.


Shorpy Calling

Shorpify your iPhone or iPod (and impress everyone else in the elevator) with some bling from our brand-new iPhone Wallpaper Gallery. Cost to you: nada.

Shorpify your iPhone or iPod (and impress everyone else in the elevator) with some bling from our brand-new iPhone Wallpaper Gallery. Cost to you: nada.

The Clerical Army: 1924

From 1924, another view of clerks calculating the "soldiers' bonus" for the War Department. View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.

From 1924, another view of clerks calculating the "soldiers' bonus" for the War Department. View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.


Multi-Processor Computing: 1924

November 24, 1924. Washington, D.C. "Bonus Bureau, Computing Division. Many clerks figure the amount of the bonus each veteran is entitled to." View full size.

November 24, 1924. Washington, D.C. "Bonus Bureau, Computing Division. Many clerks figure the amount of the bonus each veteran is entitled to." View full size.


Gamers: 1924

"Radio at Garfield Hospital, Washington, circa 1924." View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative, Library of Congress.

"Radio at Garfield Hospital, Washington, circa 1924." View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative, Library of Congress.


Apparatus: 1929

August 24, 1929. "Donald H. Brooks, Bureau of Standards." View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative. So -- what's he doing?

August 24, 1929. "Donald H. Brooks, Bureau of Standards." View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative. So -- what's he doing?


IM Me: 1924

"Howard M. Gore. February 26, 1924." Mr. G, secretary of agriculture in the Coolidge administration, was later governor of West Virginia. And evidently kind of a geek. View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.

"Howard M. Gore. February 26, 1924." Mr. G, secretary of agriculture in the Coolidge administration, was later governor of West Virginia. And evidently kind of a geek. View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.


Wired: 1925

Electrical circuits and motors at Howard University in Washington, D.C., circa 1925. View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.

Electrical circuits and motors at Howard University in Washington, D.C., circa 1925. View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.


Nipper at Bat: 1920

"Ansell, Bishop & Turner window display. 1920." A Victrola dealer in Washington, D.C., puts Nipper in the game. View full size. National Photo Co. glass negative.

"Ansell, Bishop & Turner window display. 1920." A Victrola dealer in Washington, D.C., puts Nipper in the game. View full size. National Photo Co. glass negative.


Hopkins Titanafram: 1926

"Washington, D.C., Industrial Exposition 1926. Hopkins Titanafram." Here's a fascinating glimpse back to a time when  titanaframs were the size of sombreros. National Photo Company Collection glass negative. View full size.

"Washington, D.C., Industrial Exposition 1926. Hopkins Titanafram." Here's a fascinating glimpse back to a time when titanaframs were the size of sombreros. National Photo Company Collection glass negative. View full size.


Hi-Fi 1954

My brother's do-it-yourself hi-fi. From Top: tweeter, woofer, Webcor portable phonograph, Heathkit amplifier. One of his high school buddies assembled the Heathkit for him. He took this in the upstairs bedroom we shared until a year or so later. That's my bed on the right. Check out our cool wallpaper. View full size.

My brother's do-it-yourself hi-fi. From Top: tweeter, woofer, Webcor portable phonograph, Heathkit amplifier. One of his high school buddies assembled the Heathkit for him. He took this in the upstairs bedroom we shared until a year or so later. That's my bed on the right. Check out our cool wallpaper. View full size.

Radio Room: 1925

1925. "Condenser assembling department." Another view of workers putting radios together at the vast Atwater Kent factory in Philadelphia. View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative, Library of Congress.

1925. "Condenser assembling department." Another view of workers putting radios together at the vast Atwater Kent factory in Philadelphia. View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative, Library of Congress.


The Enormous Radio Factory: 1925

The Atwater Kent radio factory in Philadelphia circa 1925. 8x10 glass negative, National Photo Company Collection, Library of Congress. View full size.

The Atwater Kent radio factory in Philadelphia circa 1925. 8x10 glass negative, National Photo Company Collection, Library of Congress. View full size.

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