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Circa 1905. "D.& C. steamer at dock, St. Ignace, Michigan." The Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company's City of Mackinac. 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative. View full size.
I wonder if the mystery box perpster commented on is a Stevenson screen - a standard enclosure for thermometers and other meteorological instruments. It usually looks like the photo - a smallish louvered box, 4 or 5 feet off the ground. I can't readily explain the "chimney", although I'm also not sure if the chimney is actually attached to the larger building, instead of the small box.
NOAA says there was a weather observing station in St. Ignace from 1887 to 1946, but the latitude and longitude they have indicates that it may have been on the west side of the peninsula, not close to the docks on the east side.
Perhaps the shipping company installed their own thermometer near the freight office, so it could be easily read by an employee.
The louvred box isn't a Stevenson screen for meteorological equipment, is it? The top part might be to allow light in for sunshine recording, or to allow air circulation for ambient temperatures.
Perpster, It looks like a weather station, for recording meteorological observations. The cylinder on top might be a rain gauge but that isn't typical.
It likely contains weather instruments -- thermometer, barometer ...
may be a Stevenson screen, used to house a thermometer.
The Stevenson Screen, invented by Robert Louis Stevenson's father in 1864, enclosed a set of wet and dry bulb thermometers for weather observations. In today's world, this one would be classified as ill-sited, as local heating would affect the results.
What is the beehive-looking box on stilts, over by the freight car? A motor housing? Seems to be louvered for venting, with an exhaust pipe at the top. But what is it connected to, what is it for?
One can't help but wonder if the boy heading at breakneck speed on his bicycle towards the freight office succeeded in avoiding running over the two ladies in front of him.
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