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Jake's Auto Parts: 1942

January 1942. "Auto graveyard -- U.S. Highway 80, between Fort Worth and Dallas." The car-parts place next to the cow-parts place. Acetate negative by Arthur Rothstein. View full size.

January 1942. "Auto graveyard -- U.S. Highway 80, between Fort Worth and Dallas." The car-parts place next to the cow-parts place. Acetate negative by Arthur Rothstein. View full size.


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Those innertubes hanging on the sign have so many patches on them they almost look polka-dotted!

Love this image

We had a couple of junkyards like this in my hometown when I was getting into automobiles in the late 1960s. I spent many weekends pulling parts from Bear Run and Eddie's Auto salvage lots. For those readers who enjoyed working on their cars, young men today are missing a lot. Same with working at full-service filling stations. That job taught a young man most of the basic necessities of becoming a man.


Your trash is our treasure

Jake's No. 2 has his fair share of trash but you should see the litter at Jake's No.1 !!

No Inflation, except in tires

It doesn't look like the Hudson gas station next door changed its prices very often.

Where salvage yards begat like rabbits

I hope Fulltimer agrees this is almost certainly Grand Prairie. I've attached a map. From Loop 12 in Dallas, on the right, to Interstate 35W in Fort Worth, State Highway 180 follows the old routing of U.S. Route 80. Today this road, also named East Main Street in Grand Prairie, and the road south of it, East Jefferson Street, have a concentration of auto salvage yards. None today are named Jake's, but I'll bet a buck this is where he was.

No calf fries, they're honestly not bad, along this stretch of road today.

[Jake's No. 2 had a Dallas address -- 311 West Commerce Street (old U.S. 80). - Dave]

Thanks, Dave ... and damn! I'm out a dollar! I wasn't even close. 311 West Commerce Street is just on the other side of the Trinity River from downtown Dallas. There's been a lot of development in this area since the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge and Margaret McDermott Bridge greatly improved access to downtown from this side of the Trinity. There's a nice, modern apartment complex at this address now. I doubt area locals today would order calf fries at any of the many new, nearby eating establishments. Most patrons wouldn't want anything fried.

Demolition derby

Fun job to be the person who got to wreck the old cars Jake bought for cash.

[LOL! In the context of wrecking yards, wreckers, etc., "wreck" means to dismantle for parts or scrap. - Dave]

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