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New York circa 1900. "A ward in Brooklyn Navy Yard hospital." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company. View full size.
Was known as a "duck." Later Navy models were stainless steel.
I was born in the Navy Yard Hospital 46 years after this picture was taken. My parents, both from New York, met in DC during the war. Since they were both Marines, my birth was their last medical benefit after their discharges.
I still occasionally drive past the Navy Yard on the BQE, and point out to anyone who's willing to listen to me (often for the 400th time) that I was born there. The windows are all boarded up, but it seems in better shape than many of the other magnificant ruins there. It's an absolute crime that the Navy Yard buildings have been allowed to decay to a point where they're beyond savimg now.
I love the combination gas / electric overhead lighting . Electricity was so new that the complete changeover to electric light was probably a few years to come.
Could be partly unreliable also .
Love the customized "bottle" under the first bed on the right.
This blog has a wonderful tour of the Navy Yard Hospital's current state of decay.
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