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Lights Out: 1897

Continuing our tour of the U.S.S. Brooklyn circa 1897. "Hammocks on deck." Glass negative by Edward H. Hart, Detroit Publishing Company. View full size.

Continuing our tour of the U.S.S. Brooklyn circa 1897. "Hammocks on deck." Glass negative by Edward H. Hart, Detroit Publishing Company. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Wooden decks

That brings back memories of my first ship in 1968. I had wooden decks and I was assigned to the deck gang for two weeks. Every morning at 4:30 we had to get up to holystone the decks for two hours before breakfast. Holystone was like a brick on a wooden handle that was used to clean and polish the wood. Good times.

[Pumice? - Dave]


Wouldn't they had to have used a flash for this photo? I wouldn't think so many of the faces would have turned out blurry with such a quick exposure.

[Flash powder exposures were not all that quick. Since there's no synchronization between the camera and the flash, the shutter is opened before the charge is set off and closed after it dies out -- a duration of least a second or two. Maybe quite a bit longer, if the photographer has no assistant. - Dave]

Shipshape, Not

That is about the mangiest looking deck I have ever seen on a peacetime Navy ship, unless maybe it's right next to a coal bunker or something.

If my grandfather (USNA '28) had come across it, you woulda had to peel him off the overhead.

How to piss off a sleepy sailor

Flash a pile of magnesium powder in his face!

Cozy confines

I wonder how "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" would work out in this environment.

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