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Straw Hat: 1956

There are a lot of memories from that family farm near Blandinville, Ill., where these 35mm Kodachromes were taken.
I am examining the inside of my grandfather's straw hat while my mother looks on. We are seated on the approach to the scale, where Grandfather could weigh a load of grain before taking it to the elevator. The fence was typical in that area at a time when farmers rotated crops and allowed the animals to forage after harvest. Those practices sure have changed. Now it is border to border crop, forget the fence and the animals, wear the soil out and dump some chemical fertilizer to bring things to right again. View full size.

There are a lot of memories from that family farm near Blandinville, Ill., where these 35mm Kodachromes were taken.

I am examining the inside of my grandfather's straw hat while my mother looks on. We are seated on the approach to the scale, where Grandfather could weigh a load of grain before taking it to the elevator. The fence was typical in that area at a time when farmers rotated crops and allowed the animals to forage after harvest. Those practices sure have changed. Now it is border to border crop, forget the fence and the animals, wear the soil out and dump some chemical fertilizer to bring things to right again. View full size.

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Fifties Fotos

Hank, I love all your photos. The people's clothes and homes so familiar to this 50s gal.

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