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Portales Ranch

My Great Grandfather Ulysses Sheridan Fraze on ranch in Portales, New Mexico. View full size.

My Great Grandfather Ulysses Sheridan Fraze on ranch in Portales, New Mexico. View full size.

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Are you Max Wade??

Hi Wade,

Sorry that I am just now responding to your post. I am the granddaughter of Mabel Fraze Neal Ledbetter, the oldest daughter of our great grandfather and Idyll Wilson, and the daughter of Raymon Leon Neal, Mabel's oldest son. My dad lived with Grandpa Fraze in the late 20's early 30's and spent his teen years growing up with with your grandfather who I met at one of the reunions in Dora. My sister Carol and I stayed with Aunt Ruth one year. I scanned many of her old photos and she taught me much about our family history and was my mentor learning about genealogy. I miss her so much.

My father and your grandfather were close during the years my father spent in Portales. There is a photo of the two of them after a particulary large wheat harvest I will try and locate. I grew up hearing stories of your grandfather, Uncle Phillip, Uncle Leslie, Aunt Ruth and Aunt Floy as they were closest in age to my dad. But, particularly your grandfather as he was only a year younger than my dad. It is good to hear from you. If you attended any of the reunions from about 91 through 94 we might have met.

Take care. Your cousin,

Mary Louise Neal

Firearms not needed

Those dogs look like they could take care of a wolf. That coyote didn't have a chance.

Hello Cousin!

Ulysses Sheridan Fraze is also my Great-Grandfather. I live in Portales, NM. Who are you? Where did you get this picture. It looks like the old homeplace just north of Longs. Do you know what year it was taken. It may be old enough that they still lived in the 1/2 dugout.

Scratch one chicken-killin' varmint

But my first thought was a caption -- "Uncle Wiley?!"

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