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Bicycles, Cadillacs: 1910

New Orleans circa 1910. A close-up of the H.A. Testard Bicycles & Automobiles storefront from the previous post. Detroit Publishing Co. View full size.

New Orleans circa 1910. A close-up of the H.A. Testard Bicycles & Automobiles storefront from the previous post. Detroit Publishing Co. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

1910 Indian single

As far as I can make out the motorcycle is a Indian 1910 single. A current photo of one can be seen in
Classic American Motorcycles by Tod Rafferty. According to the book they sold that year for $215.

General Store?

Ah yes, autos, bikes and... funnels? I guess fueling up could be quite the adventure in those days.

Bugs in Your Teeth

Here's the Cadillac, with optional no windshield, snapped at Hershey, Pennsylvania, October 2009

French Connection

Couldn't help but notice the similarities with this bike shop, still functioning in Montreal.

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Still around.

There are some of those cars around today thanks to collectors.It would be great if this car was one of them.

Move along, nothing to see here...

Unless you want your SOUL to be EATEN!

What a lovely old car!

And it's under repair - the far side of the bonnet (or hood, as it's American) is open. I can't make out a manufacturer's name on the front: does anyone know what kind it is?

[It's a Cadillac. - Dave]

And Motorcycles Too!

Sure is a motorcycle prominent at the end of the window. I can't
tell what make it is (there were a lot). But, back in those days
motorcycles had more in common with pedal bicycles than not.

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