Found Photos

Slides, mostly Kodachromes, snagged on eBay. Plus the odd Ektachrome, Anscochrome or black-and-white snapshot.

  •         We dedicate this golden (Kodachrome) oldie to picnic-partakers everywhere. Happy Memorial Day from Shorpy!
June 1960 somewhere in Maryland. "Picnic in yard." Janet, of Kermy and Janet, pointing at the camera. Who wants more potato salad? View full size.

    Kermy Kodachromes

    Kodachrome slides taken mostly in Maryland, featuring Kermy and his sister Janet.

    22 photos in this gallery

    Last updated: Mon, 05/27/2024 - 3:24pm

  •         Our annual salute to the start of vacation road-trip season, first posted here 15 years ago. Everyone buckled in? Let's go!
"Great Falls, Montana. Return after 3 weeks Vacation. June 27, 1964." This Kodachrome of a 1960 Chevrolet Parkwood station wagon is from a box of slides found on eBay. View full size.

    Kodachromes 1

    Slides found on eBay and in thrift shops.

    11 photos in this gallery

    Last updated: Tue, 05/31/2022 - 1:09am

  • Another 35mm slide from the Kodachrome Family circa 1952.  View full size.

    Kodachromes 2

    Another bunch of slides from eBay and thrift stores.

    5 photos in this gallery

    Last updated: Sat, 02/23/2008 - 10:17am

  • Another found 35mm Kodachrome transparency from our New Jersey family of slide-takers in their atomic living room circa 1956. View full size.

    Kodachromes 3

    Still more eBay and thrift-shop finds.

    10 photos in this gallery

    Last updated: Tue, 06/23/2009 - 5:04pm

  • From the "Linda" Kodachromes circa 1952 comes this Dutch door festively dressed with spruce wreath and merry-maker. Nobody leaves till the eggnog's all gone. View full size.

    Linda Kodachromes

    35mm Kodachromes taken from around 1946 to 1957 featuring a girl named Linda. Purchased on eBay in January 2013.

    36 photos in this gallery

    Last updated: Wed, 12/21/2022 - 3:27pm

  • "Xmas 1951." Christmas Past, and Christmas presents. Our 12th slide from this batch of 35mm Kodachromes found on eBay. Most of them seem to have been taken in or near Pinconning, Michigan. View full size.

    Michigan Kodachromes

    35mm slides found on eBay, June 2012. Most of them seem to have been taken around 1950 in Pinconning, Michigan.

    21 photos in this gallery

    Last updated: Sun, 12/26/2021 - 3:33pm

  • "Christmas P.J.'s -- Dec. 25 1951." Grace and Sally clash  in the latest episode of Minnesota Kodachromes! 35mm color slide by Hubert Tuttle. View full size.

        Grace and Sally hope you had a very merry Christmas!

    Minnesota Kodachromes

    Kodachrome slides taken in 1951-52 by a family in Minnesota.

    54 photos in this gallery

    Last updated: Sun, 12/25/2022 - 11:44pm

  • October 1958, somewhere in Pennsylvania. Big brother is ready for a night of trick-or-treating. Rob from the rich, and share with your understudy! Our fourth selection from a batch of Kodachrome slides found on eBay. View full size.

    Pa. Kodachromes

    13 photos in this gallery

    Last updated: Tue, 10/31/2023 - 1:02pm

  • What better way to close out our circa-1956 Southern California slide show than with a slide show? This third box of Kodachromes from our summer vacation might look familiar, but don't let that fool you ... View full size.

    SoCal 1956 Kodachromes

    A dozen 35mm Kodachromes circa 1956 from Southern California. Found on eBay and scanned by your webmaster in June 2012.

    7 photos in this gallery

    Last updated: Fri, 06/22/2012 - 5:47pm

  • Here we are back on Schwinn Street, which turns out to be in ... New York. With a teensy tyke on yet another tiny trike. 35mm Kodachrome slide found on eBay. View full size.

    Stephen Kodachromes

    Selections from a batch of 35mm red-border Kodachrome slides purchased on eBay, featuring a boy named Stephen.

    5 photos in this gallery

    Last updated: Tue, 11/29/2022 - 4:27pm

  • From somewhere in (probably) Wisconsin (maybe Menomonie), sometime in the 1950s, comes this unlabeled Kodachrome slide of what might be an old school or church building, but who can say? For traffic control we have a yellow stop sign with cat-eye reflectors. View full size.

    Wisconsin Kodachromes

    1950s Kodachrome slides from a family in the vicinity of Menomonie, Wisconsin.

    7 photos in this gallery

    Last updated: Mon, 08/15/2022 - 10:26am

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